Raevn Brasch
Raevn Brasch is an Australian born, Canadian, Production Designer, based in Toronto.
Starting her career in British Columbia, in the late 90’s, her journey to Production Designing included working her way up through multiple departments. Performing extensively in each area, in the roles of Art Director, Set Decorator, Graphic Designer, Props Master, and Scenic Artist, she brings a unique, multifaceted, wealth of experience to any production.
Bahman with an H – Short Film, Independent, 2024, Mad Amendments, DIR: Mesham Motoazedi
The Magician – Short Film, 2023, Independent, DIR: Mathieu Gauveau
Silent Crossings – Short Film, Independent, 2023, Mad Amendments, DIR: Mesham Motoazedi
Jann Holiday Special – Episodic, CTV/Prime, 2022, Joe Media, DIR: Ron Murphy
Cellmates – Feature, Lifetime, 2022, Cineflix, DIR: Rama Rau
Tribal Season 2 – Series, APTN, 2021, Prairie Dog Productions Inc., DIR: Asaf Benny & Ron E Scott
Best Scripted Series: AMPIA Awards, Best Production Design Nominee: AMPIA Awards
So Dark the Sky – Proof of Concept, 2020, Ghost River Theatre Inc., DIR: Eric Rose
Christmas With a Crown – Feature, 2020, Christmas Coronation Productions Inc., DIR: Dylan Pearce
Tribal Season 1 – Series, APTN, 2019, Prairie Dog Productions Inc., DIR: Ron E Scott
Best Production Design Nominee: AMPIA Award
The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw - Feature, Gate 67 Films, 2019, DIR: Thomas Lee
Best Film Nom.: Fantasia Film Fest
Whyte Snuff – Docudrama, IBWISI Productions inc., 2017, DIR: Asaf Benny :
Audience Favourite Award: EIFF
Breathing Through a Straw - Short Drama, Independent, 2016, Producer/Director: Leigh Rivenbark,
Best Alberta Short: CIFF, Rising Star: EIFF, Jury Award: CFF, Best Film: Toronto LGBT fest,
Award of Distinction: CISFF]
Khufiya - Feature, Netflix, Rainbow World Entertainment., 2022, DIR: Vishal Bhardwaj, PD: Abid T.P.
Puppy Love - Feature, Book of Morgan Inc., 2017, DIR: Michael Maxxis, PD: Adam William Wilson
Until First Light - Feature, Independent, 2016, DIR: Kyle Armstrong, PD: Ryan Halun
Tiny Plastic Men: Season 4 - Series, Mosaic Entertainment. Inc., 2015, DIR: Michael Peterson, C. Craddock, PD: M. Hyrak
Blackstone: Season 4 & 5 - Series, Prairie Dog Productions Inc, 2014/2015, DIR: Ron E. Scott, PD: Shanna Orgovan
NHL Oilers Commercial – Pre-show Opener, 2016, DIR: Michael Maxxis
The Past Never Dies - Feature, Altius Entertainment. 2019, DIR: Farhad Mann, PD: Andrea Clark
Caution May Contain Nuts: Season 4 & 5 - Series, Mosaic Entertainment. 2016, 2017, PD: Myron Hyrak
It’s Not My Fault - Feature, Mosaic Entertainment 2015, DIR: Chris Craddock, PD: Myron Hyrak
Tiny Plastic Men: Season 4 - Series, Mosaic Entertainment, 2015, DIR: Michael Peterson, C. Craddock, PD: Myron Hyrak
Delmar and Marta: Season 1 & 2 - Series, Mosaic Entertainment, 2014, 2015, DIR: Michael Kennedy, PD: Myron Hyrak
Blackstone: Season 4 & 5 - Series, Prairie Dog Productions, 2014, 2015, DIR: Ron E Scott, PD: Shanna Orgovan
A Frosty Affair - Feature 2014, DIR: Dylan Pierce, PD: Lindsay McIntyre
Cut Bank - Feature, Kilburn Media, 2013, DIR: Matt Shakman, PD: Laura Fox
Freezer - Feature, Envision Media Arts, 2013, DIR: Mikael Salomon, PD: Ken Rempell
Truck Stop Bloodsuckers - Made for Internet feature, Mosaic Entertainment 2012, Francis Damberger, PD: Myron Hyrak
Tiny Plastic Men - Season 1 - Series, Synchronicity Enterprises 2012, DIR: Francis Damberger, PD: Myron Hyrak
Caution May Contain Nuts III - Series, Mosaic Entertainment 2011, DIR: Francis Damberger, Bruce Pirrie and D. Anderson
Fubar - Balls to the Wall - Feature, FU2 Productions Ltd, 2009, DIR: Michael Dowse, PD: Myron Hyrak
Caution May Contain Nuts II - Sketch Series, Going Nuts 2 Productions Inc. 2009, DIR: Chester Sit, Francis Damberger
The Pharmacist - Feature, The Pharmacist Film Company Inc. 2009, DIR: Chester Sit, PD: Myron Hyrak
Freezer Burn - Feature, Panacea Productions 2007, DIR: Grant Harvey, PD: Myron Hyrak
Waking Up Wally - Film, CBC/Accent Entertainment Corp 2005, Graphic Design/Art Dept. Trainee, PD: John Blackie
Jann: Season III – Series, CTV, Props Master, 2021, DIR: Ron Murphy, PD: Louise Middleton
Black Summer - Season I - Series, Netflix, Set Decorator, 2018, DIR: John Hyams & Abram Cox, PD: Bobby Vanonen
Wynonna Earp - Season III - Series, Netflix/SciFi Channel, Seven 24 Films, Props Master 2018, PD: Ingrid Jurek
#Roxy - Feature, Mosaic Entertainment, Props Master, 2016, DIR: Michael Kennedy, PD: Myron Hyrak
It’s Not My Fault - Feature, Mosaic Entertainment, Props Master, 2015, DIR: Chris Craddock, PD: Myron Hyrak
Delmar and Marta - Season 1 & 2 - Series, Mosaic Entertainment, Prps Master 2014/2015, DIR: M Kennedy, PD: M. Hyrak
Away and Back - Feature, Hallmark, Asst. Prps Master, GRP, Swan Productions Inc. 2014, DIR: Jeff Bleckner, PD: K. Rempel
Cut Bank - Feature, Kilburn Media, Ast. Props Master. 2013, DIR: Matt Shakman, PD: Laura Fox
Blackstone - Season 1,2, & 3 - APTN Series, Prps Master, Prairie Dog Productions Inc 2011-13, DIR: Ron Scott, M. Hyrak
The Right Kind of Wrong - Feature, On Set, Serendipity Point Films 2012, DIR: Jeramiah S. Chechik, Producer: R. Lantos
Delmar and Marta - Online Web interactive site, Props Master and Set Dec, Mosaic Entertainment 2011,
Blackstone - Season Pilot - Series, Props Master, Prairie Dog Productions Inc. 2009, DIR: Ron Scott, PD: Myron Hyrak
Mixed Blessings - Season 2 & 3 - Series, Prps Master, Prairie Dog Productions Inc. 2008/9, DIR: F. Damberger, M. Hyrak
A Day in a Life - Feature, Independent, Set Dresser, 1999, PD: Robyn Badger
Protection - Feature, Set Dresser, Red Storm Releasing, 1999, Set Decorator - Robyn Badger
It's me Margaret - Feature, Set Dresser, 1999, Set Decorator - Robyn Badger, DIR Bruce Spangler
Rollercoaster - Feature 1997, Set Dresser, Set Decorator - Robyn Badger
Bachelor of Visual Arts [Griffith University, Brisbane Australia - 1990 -1992] Graphic Design, Marketing, Photography, Computer Aided Design, Illustration, & Animation
Extra Computer Aided Design [Input Output Centre, London England - 1995] Quark Express & Illustrator
Clown and Mask Workshop [University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada - 2002] Creativity, intuition, drama and art
Landscape Design 1 & 2, [Metro College, Edmonton Canada - 2011]
Digital Photography [Metro College, Edmonton Canada - 2011]
Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution [University of Calgary – 2019]
Character Drawing [Toronto 2019]
FAC License [Current]
Basic Food Safety [Current AHS]
Leadership in the Workplace for Supervisors [2022]